Brick Yard Point is located at an important junction within the Quinnipiac River region between the upper corridor dominated by swamp forests and the lower corridor consisting of salt and brackish marshes, mudflats and adjacent wooded areas.
The ecological restoration at Brick Yard Point was intentionally designed to improve habitat linkages within the Quinnipiac River corridor and complement the habitat value of the swamp forests to the north and the marsh complex to the south.
Restoration planning and design began in 2010, with the goal of creating viable critical habitat to support the regional Quinnipiac River ecosystem. Restoration focused on two state-listed imperiled communities: early successional meadow and freshwater marsh. Many at-risk species in Connecticut are dependent on these two habitats that have been lost or degraded due to development along the Quinnipiac River.
The privately-owned 57-acre tract of restored habitat is primarily intended to protect and serve nature. Following restoration completion and a five-year monitoring period, Brick Yard Point was opened to the public in 2021 on a restricted basis to minimize disruption to wildlife and protect the restoration. The restoration continues to be maintained on an annual basis.